Our school


We have a positive approach to learning and encourage it in others; we advance student learning based on our belief that all students have the capacity to learn and subscribe to the assertion that disadvantage does not define ones destiny, and cannot be used as an excuse for poor results. 


We have high expectations of our students and ourselves. We set standards of excellence and believe in our capacity to achieve them. The standards and expectations challenge all of us to give our best.


We recognise the differing circumstances and needs of our students and we are dedicated to achieve the best possible outcomes for all. Strategies are inclusive of student self evaluation and reflection and accommodate students with special needs (talented; gifted; Aboriginal students; and students with disabilities or other identified learning needs)

Care and respect

We treat all individuals with care and respect.  We build on trust, mutual respect and the acceptance of responsibility. We value the importance of working in partnership with parents, carers and the wider community in providing a quality education for all students.

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