Teaching and Learning ESC

Teaching and Learning

Our qualified specialist staff provide learning opportunities in all learning areas for students in Kindergarten through to Year 6 and are dedicated to promoting the skills required for each student’s move to secondary education and community life. Students engage with WA Curriculum and ABLEWA frameworks with a functional focus to academic teaching and learning.

Early Years (Kindergarten and Pre-primary)

Our Early childhood programs follow the principles of discrete trial training in a naturalistic and play based setting to help children develop their social, academic, self-help and behaviours skills. Koorana ESC is fully accredited by National Quality Standards for our early years education program. 

Years 1 through 6

For Years 1 to 6, learning opportunities are provided in small group settings or one to one if required. Literacy and numeracy learning is individualised and is based on authentic learning activities. Students in these classes are also on highly individualised programs which are formalised through Individual Education Plans after input from parents and other professionals where necessary.

Student Social and Emotional Learning

As part of teaching the whole child Koorana ESC has a strong commitment to meeting every child’s social and emotional needs. Supported by the Zones of Regulation and our whole school PBS (Positive Behaviour Support) these programs build resilience and provide each child with a toolkit of strategies to use when they are experiencing challenges. Protective Behaviours education is the final part of the social and emotional learning group. This program teaches that “we all have the right to feel safe all the time”. Students learn about their ‘early warning signs’ those body sensations that they get when they don’t feel safe and what they can do when this happens.


All our students have access to the latest technology. From classroom computers to iPads, students are provided with the opportunity and instruction to use technology effectively. Many students use iPads to communicate with staff and iPads are an integral part of the teaching and learning program. Our classrooms are purpose built and include independent living facilities to assist in developing students’ independence. Electronic interactive whiteboards in every room further engage students with their learning.

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